Spread the word ... Spread The Recipe is all about sharing tried and true family favourites, from my kitchen to your's. Enjoy!!!

October 19, 2012

Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies

It's been a while but I've been busy since my last post in April, was kinda consumed by planning our wedding and trip to the UK with the boys in June ... ya I know, lots of fun stuff right?  Then the summer came and went, back to school rush hit, Thanksgiving and now we are gearing up for Halloween!

I plan to add in some posts and pics from the wedding and our travels but wanted to jump back in with a new favourite in our house .... Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies!  Zac has never really like Peanut Butter and actually used to tell people he was allergic to nuts when he was little, fast forward a few years and he met and fell in love with Peanut Butter Cups and the rest is history! 

I called mom for her Peanut Butter recipe because I didn't want to use the one on the side of the Kraft PB Jar, they are nice and nutty but they are too crumbly and the request came in rather specific .... "Chewy peanut butter cookies please!".  Mom gave me the recipe from her Five Roses cook book and I made a few modifications .... dropped the amount of butter and upped the PB for the extra nuttiness and added in an extra egg for the chewiness.  Below is the recipe that passed the Boy Test in my house ... if they don't eat baked goods then it's bad .... brutal truth!

1/4 cup Butter (*salted or unsalted, just cut out the salt below if you are using salted)
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup White Sugar
2 Eggs
1 cup cup Peanut Butter
1/2 tsp Salt *
3/4 tsp Baking Soda
1 1/2 cup Flour
1/2 tsp Vanilla

Using a mixer cream butter, add in sugar and continue to cream until light and fluffy
Add in eggs, peanut butter and vanilla and mix
Add salt* and baking powder and mix
Set aside mixer and mix flour in by hand until incorporated
Roll batter into 1 inch balls and place on parchment lined cookie sheet, sprinkle with white sugar

Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes or until the edges are ever so slightly golden brown, pull them out even if you think they aren't done (this will keep the chewiness!!!)  Let them cool on a rack or backing sheet before storing.

These aren't your traditional fork printed PB Cookie but they are chewy and nutty ..... and never last long!  Enjoy.

April 02, 2012

Aunt Sharon's Banana Bread

Everyone is always looking for a good banana bread recipe and our family is no exception.  Just last month a bunch of us were having lunch with my Granny when my cousins were discussing who had a trustworthy concoction to use up old bananas.  I was not surprised when my cousin Kerri said that she had one of Aunt Sharon's, it was at that time I could picture myself sitting at the end of the table at the Hogan Farm on one of my summer visits savouring a piece of moist banana bread with butter softened from the heat of the afternoon.  Kerri sent of the recipe shortly there after and naturally I am sharing it with all of you!

Here's a tip from my cousin Amber, mash up your old bananas and measure them into 1 cup portions, throw them into ziplock bags for storage until you are ready to bake and voila .... premashed, premeasured and ready to go!

2-3 medium ripe bananas, mashed
1/2 cup of butter, softened
2 eggs
1/2 cup of buttermilk
splash of vanilla
2 cups of flour
1 tsp of soda
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 cup of walnuts

Combine the wet ingredients
Add dry ingredients except the nuts and mix well until combined
Add walnuts if desired

Bake at 350 .....
Loaf Pan - 1 hour, 10 minutes
Mini Loaf Pan - 55 minutes
Large Bar Pan - 18 to 20 minutes

YUMMY!!!!  Enjoy!

Busy, Busy ....

I have been neglecting my blog for some time now and have felt slightly guilty but I must tell you it is all for a good cause, Steve and I are getting married in 54 days and we have been .... Busy, Busy!

The wedding is quickly approaching and there are lots of details left to be sorted.  We are planning an afternoon garden tea for our guests that will immediately follow the ceremony and my mom plans to make most (if not all) of the food!  It sounds like a huge undertaking but our guest list is short and limited to family so it is well within our reach. 

My hope is to snap some photos to share with you as we go .... I requested Scottish shortbread (in keeping with Steve's Scottish upbringing) but with a twist .... of lemon!  Mom has already made a test batch and they were amazing!  Tea sandwiches, Mimosas and a few other sweets will keep the guests going and I hope to share it all on here so please stay tuned.

February 01, 2012

Balsamic Glazed Brussel Sprouts with Pancetta

So you say you don't like brussel sprouts????  Well you MUST try this recipe .... brussel sprouts may be green and scary but cook them in pancetta and deglaze the pan with balsamic vinegar and they are irresistible!

I made these last Christmas and they have reappeared with each turkey dinner since!  I have always loved brussel sprouts but I was on a balsamic kick and thought of this combination. 
The sweet from the balsamic paired with the salty from the pancetta is amazing! 

1 bag of brussel sprouts, I'm not sure how many, enough to serve however many people are feeding!!! ;)
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 pkg of chopped Italian pancetta
1-2 tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Pepper to taste

Trim the brussel sprouts, removing the woody end part and a few out leaves, wash and set aside
Add pancetta to a large frying pan and some fresh ground pepper
Once the pancetta has started to cook and has release some grease in the pan add in the minced garlic, allowing to cook for 1 minute
Add the brussel sprouts to the pan and a splash of water (maybe a 1/4 c), cover and allow to simmer for 15-20 minutes until they are done
Add balsamic vinegar to the pan and mix around, deglazing the pan
Turn off heat and allow the stand for a few minutes before serving
These are a perfect vegetable side to any roast dinner and my absolute favourite, enjoy!