Spread the word ... Spread The Recipe is all about sharing tried and true family favourites, from my kitchen to your's. Enjoy!!!

November 26, 2011

Chocolate Confetti Squares ... aka Rocky Road

These little bits of heaven remind me of Christmas baking, every year my mom had select recipes that were a must during the holiday season.  I love this version of them because it is a combination of all things delicious .... Chocolate,Butterscotch and Peanut Butter!!! I have been to showers and bake sales where I instantly spot the little marshmallow dotted squares and scoop one up only to find it is just Chocolate, of course I still eat it but it's just not the same as Mom's!  When I was pregnant with my son I may have indulged in this favorite a little too much during the holiday season, I wouldn't be surprised if Zac was sick of them before he even tried one lol! 
Bet you can't eat just one!!!

1small package of Chocolate Chip (270 gr) ... of course my choice is milk chocolate
1 small package of Butterscotch Chips (270 gr)
1 cup of smooth peanut butter
1 package of small marshmallows

Melt Chocolate Chips, Butterscotch Chips and Peanut Butter in a large pot and let cool for a few minutes.
Add in the package of marshmallows folding to ensure that they are all covered with the melted chocolate mixture.
Pour into a lightly greased pan and refrigerate.  You can use a 9x13 or 8x8 pan, it will just change the depth of your finished square.

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