Spread the word ... Spread The Recipe is all about sharing tried and true family favourites, from my kitchen to your's. Enjoy!!!

December 13, 2011

My Love of Cheesecake

Here it is .... I am sharing my first cheesecake recipe with all of you since it is the season of giving!

I have always loved cheesecake and enjoy every piece as though it were my last.  I am not sure if Steve liked cheesecake before he met me but he quickly learned that I hold a very special place in my heart for this delicious dessert and that if he were to find a way into it as well he would have to share that appreciation. 

Early on I explained the rules for eating cheesecake ....
1. You must make straight cuts with your fork, top to bottom. 
2. You must begin at the tip of the piece and finish at the back, no exceptions. 
3. You must keep the piece standing upright on it's crust at as long as possible, no tipping. 
4. You must savour each piece, no inhaling it.
5. You must eat your cheesecake undisturbed, and above all else ....
6. You must not share your cheesecake (because nobody ever follows ALL the rules!)

One night while enjoying a piece of cheesecake and a glass of wine, Steve finished his piece, walked across the room and stuck his fork into the back of my cheesecake breaking Rules 1,2,4 and 6!!!  It was gone before I had a chance to realize what had just happened, certainly before I had chance to stab him as any respectable cheesecake connoisseur would do.  I was speechless .... I didn't know if I should scream, cry or get angry .... all I could do was laugh with astonishment!!!  I knew I had met my soul mate when I let this one slide.  While he hasn't attempted this feat again, it is one of our favourite stories and as a result Steve bought me a book of cheesecake recipes and a 9" spring form pan as one of my Christmas gifts last year and I have been testing out recipes on him ever since.

My cheesecakes are based on a recipe from Junior's, a restaurant in New York that is famous for their creamy desserts.  It is the smoothest cheesecake thanks to the whipping cream that is added (but not beaten) in.  The crust is my own recipe, I like a shortbread bottom that adds richness and extra flavour.  I hope you enjoy my final product, the Turtle Cheesecake is my own combination of flavours and absolutely sinful.  Enjoy and please for my sake .... follow the rules!!!

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