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December 29, 2011

Turkey Stoup

Are the holidays over?  Are you turkeyed out but still have some of the left overs to clean up?  Make some Turkey "Stoup"!!!  Clean out your fridge with this quick and easy throw together stew/soup recipe that my mom always made.  By using your gravy, you are sure to have a bowl full of flavor for that last turkey taste!

Left Over Turkey
Left Over Veggies (any and all ... except mashed tatties of course!)
Left Over Gravy
3 Carrots, chopped
3 Celery Stalks, chopped
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
1 pkg of Chicken Stock

-Saute chopped carrots, celery, onion and garlic in a small amount of olive oil over medium heat to begin cooking and releasing all the aromas ... add a dash of salt ... remember this is a throw together recipe so taste as you go!
-After a few minutes of sauteing add half the tetra package of chicken broth and let the veggies continue to cook and soften for another 10 minutes.
-Add in the remaining chicken stock along with all of your left over gravy (a bowlful should do the trick!)
-Add in all left over veg ... we had left over roasted turnip and balsamic glazed brussel spouts so it added a whole lot of flavor!
-Add in diced left over turkey and simmer.
-Serve with a fresh round of Yorkies and enjoy!!!!


  1. What a wonderful idea!!! Stoup is my favorite "soup/stew"... love that it's thick, but not too thick. Nicely done!

  2. Hi, I am visiting from Foodbuzz. I am loving this soup. Usually the first think I do after Thanksgiving is start cooking up some stock with the carcass. This year, however, I made a turducken (chicken wrapped with a duck wrapped with a turkey) and it was boneless except for the wings. As delicious as it was, I miss the soup. Hope you have a great New Year!!
